Nej Nu Jävlar, Hörrni!

Cut copy is DJ:ing in NY tomrrow. I cut my finger doing the dishes. But who's bitter over something like that?! Not me...haha.
I'm not bitter, because I'm going there too. Not tomorrow, but sometime. To get there, I need some money, and to get that, I need a job. That's why Im gonna write about how great and important I am to every employer in the whole world, and I gonna get a job and everything is gonna be great and I'm not gonna cut myself on a big sharp knife here again! Finally it's spring, daylight saving time again, I guess that's why Im getting optimistic. I haven't given up on anything I've really wanted to do in my life, and I wont start to do that now. So, in October me and Josefine (who else? we're gonna end up either killing each other, or marry each other) are going to the greatest city in the world, and I'll show her Scotch plains, Westfield, Rock'n Joe and THE PELOSIS;D Maybe then I'll do the tour around NY this time.

Yes, spring is here, believe it or not. Almost all the snow is gone. Tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny and 10/50 degrees! If it stays warm over the weekend, we'll go to our summer cottage!

Okay, here it comes, the big news for today; I went to Som Hemma, and bought a coffee...But it was nice. Ellinor brought me two nice tops from Thailand. Thank you, sweetie:D And for once, me and Josefine didn't freeze to death when we walked home. Well, obviously we've never frozen to death, walking home from Som Hemma. But I'm telling you, it's been close! Not anymore, it's SPRING, and I'm veery happy about that!!!

Give Me Fire

It's gonna be a short post in English, since there are too many "Swedish" things I need to write about, names and places that cant be translated, and are totally not interesting (I now that's not a word, haha, but my head's too tired to try to find the right work... uninteresting?!). Yesterday me and my partner-in-crime Josefine (also my wife to be, we spend so much time together, we can as well get married) are finally going to Oslo! 6.30 am on April 7 we're gonna get on the bus for exactly 4 hours and 15 minutes (I'll get back on that one, maybe it'll take 4.18 or something) before we're in Norway.
  One less exciting thing, is that winter's back. We have lots of snow and low temperatures once again. Yesterday it was nice though. Took a long walk and thought life and the music from my iPod was pretty nice for a while. Then I took my dogs for a walk, and they absolutely love snow, so for once, they were cute as they were jumping and running around like little puppies (they're 14 and 15, so that's kinda rare). Unfortunately, my room was winter cold as well. I don't like to sleep in warm rooms, so I turned of the heat in my room a few days ago, when it was spring.... Woke up with a cold nose  this morning (not a nose with a cold... well, you get it, I guess) and noted that I'd slept in just over 8 degrees celsius, or 47 degrees fahrenheit... SICK! haha, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the cold Ive been fighting and finnaly killed, back. Hopefully, my room will be more like, ehm, spring, tonight.

The last two days, I've had a bad, baaaad craving for "lösgodis". Sorry, but there's nothing like swedish "lösgodis". I'll take a picture of it and post it here someday. Anyway, the craving woudn't stop, so I did what I could to get over it. Mashed a banana with some vanilla sauce, cocoa and sweetener. That'll do it for tonight. Tomorrow will be a new struggle. On friday, I'm gonna freaking run and pick together bag, rum back (who knows, maybe I'll burn like 1/100 of the bag?!) and eat it all, and enjoy every bit of it!

Today, me, wifey J (Josefine, big chock, right?) and Ellinor, aka gingerbread woman, who just got home from a month in Thailand, went for coffee at Som Hemma (means "like home"). I'm still waiting for the discount I think we should get for being there so often. Maybe they'll do the opposite and charge us more, since we stay there so long every time, and always get nothing but coffee.

Yesterday, I took a look at some of my really old posts here. And two things struck me;
1. I should really, reeeeeaaaaally start to read my posts before I actually post them, since I obviously manage to speel all kinds of words wrong. There's just one word for that: lazy...

2. My blog, or I should say, my life was way more fun and interesting back in the days.

But don't worry. I'll keep writing meaningless things, like this. Of course with one, two or maybe threehundered misspellings! Just because I don't have a life at the moment, doesn't mean my blog doesn't deserve to have one.

And one more thing (promise, I'm actually going to bed now); don't miss earth hour this saturday at 8.30 pm local time, and turn off lights for one hour to show some support against global warming^^


Sol i Sinne, Brun Inne

Sitting here with a stomache ache, which is very frustrating this day. FINALLY the sun is here. Had coffee in the sun on the patio today. Everybody's happy (maybe not the pigs that are boiled alive around Sweden, that was the reason I wrote in Swedish yesterday) and that makes me happy.

As I looked for some volunteer work, I saw that it is Earth hour next Saturday. It is really such an easy and cool way to do something. So everybody that reads this; switch off the lights for ONE hour. Not that hard if you ask me!^^

All this time doing nothing makes me think alot. I'm thinking I should do something, something that somebody or something else aslo can make something good out of. I know what I carfe about, and what I don't care about.
- I care about animals (not only the swedish pigs that are boiled alive...) and the fact that glaciers are melting and the polar bears are drowning. Plus 25054891017294 things that are caused and killed because of climate changes. And even if everything isn't because of us humans, can it really hurt to take the bike or use the legs sometimes? Or eat things that have been produced in a natural way and come from the same side of Earth?

- I don't care about chess, so I don't need to spend time learning about chess, or about flowers. Flowers are nice to look at, and to have in your garden and windows. I know well enough not to eat them, and to trow them away when they look weird and smell even weirder than they look... But I can save a lot of time, not learning any names in Latin, or swedish, or English. I know roses and like five other flowers, that's not too bad, right?
  About chess, there are many maaaany board games I'd rather learn...

Gonna celebrate the fact that it's spring, with pancakes and Sunes Sommar (the best Swedish movie for Kids...ehm..and "grown-ups")


Lite korv från Scan, någon?

Ursäkta svenskan (jag orkar varken skriva på engelska, eller bry mig om stavning, meningsuppbyggnad eller grammatik), men jag blir så jävla arg!

Solen skiner, det är verkligen vårväder ute, och för en gångs skull ganska varmt ute också. Stängde visserligen av klockan som stod på 7.30 imorse, och vaknade för en halvtimma sedan, men det gör ju inte direkt något när man inte har något att egentligen gå upp 7.30 för...

Skulle kolla mailen och när jag loggade ut fick jag syn på det här: . Då blev jag skitsur. Mest på Scan i Luleå, men också på alla som säger att "det där händer inte i Sverige, de där filmerna är ju från USA, eller ett U-land eller nåt. I Sverige har djuren det förhållandevis bra." Det handlar kanske om okunskap, eller om ignorans (skitsamma om det är ett ord eller inte, ni fattar väl vad jag menar?). Hur kan man se på när en levande varelse blir kokad levande? Jag är dessutom övertygad om att det knappast är första eller sista gången något sånt händer.

Nu släpper vi det där. Hade ändå inte planerat att käka köttkorv idag, eller imorgon eller någon annan dag i mitt liv. Ska städa huset innan jag går ut på promenad i vårvädret. Sen ska jag peppa upp mig lite så att jag orkar söka en massa jobb och kolla på en massa rum i Norge. Har ju bestämt mig för att jag ska dit och då ska jag det också! Blev lite mer peppad efter att ha kollat på flyg till Nya Zeeland t&r för 11.000 och till Alaska för under 8.000!

En till sak som faktiskt är jättebra med idag, är att det är den 17:e mars!!! Och det är inte bara idag som Mozzarellaosten i vår kul går ut, viktigaste idag är att Ellinor och Susanna fyller ååååårrrr! Hoppas att ni får en skitbra dag! Ingen av er är ju här, så jag kan inte krama på.

Nää, det här funkar inte. Ska koka kaffe (det är ju fan döden att försöka vänja sig av med kaffe till frukost) och sen ska det städas!

London Calling!

Wow, whatta grey day! Trying to look out the window, but there's nothing but fog. Not like yesterday when it was sunny and over 0/33 degrees. Really nice weather, in other words. Too bad I slept really bad and woke up at 12.30. But I got ready fast and took a walk downtown with Josefine to have a cup of coffee.

This saturday me and Josefine went out, only the two of us. But it was nice to have some wine and then go out and dance all night. The music was bad, but we decided not to care. Two hours of bad music and boring people was enough though. The most exciting about last night, was that we decided to book a trip to London, and possibly New York! Turned out the trip to London costed 1/10 of the ticket to NY, so unfortunately we only booked a trip to London, but decided to go to NY in October in stead. 

Finally my cold (thanks, Dad!) is starting to disappear. So I'm going to get out in this beautiful weather.

LISA! Thank you sooooo much for everything (hope you still read my blog!), I was so happy when I saw the big letter in the Mailbox! It was perfect, since I was sick that day and felt really, really, sorry for myself^^

But Everybody Says This Place Is Beautiful

Yeeeeeees, we were right all along, we knew it and today it's official; KINGS OF LEON ARE COMING TO HULTSFREDSFESTIVALEN 2009 AND SO ARE WE!!! I think someone needs to re-write the meaning of good news.

Well, that's really the only thing (not that I care) that happened today. Yesterday I woke up feeling sick so I was laying in bed the whole day. Woke up today and felt alot better, and now I'm on top of the world despite a cold. The only thing that's missing now is spring. Where are you, spring?! We've got so much snow now. I know I shoudn't complain, since I love snow. I am very happy it's been such a long and snowy winter. But now that I know for sure I can't go skiing, I woudn't mind if the snow would melt away. It'd be nice not to slip 702280015830826194 times when I go for a walk, or better yet, a run! The days are getting longer though, and I can feel than spring is coming, just like I felt that Kings of Leon were gonna get booked to Hultan. You wanna bet me that the snow is gone by the end of next week?;)

I guess it's the cold that makes me so tired. It's not even 10.00 pm, but I'm actually gonna get ready for bed. Tomorrow I have some work to do, and I'm gonna be a granny and bake some scones. Tea-party here tomorrow! Too bad most of my babes aren't here. But to see the bright side of it; more scones for us (Josefine, Sofie and me)! And more Kings of Leon. The scones and the tea is gonna taste extra good tomorrow!

Since I'm complaining about the fact that I'm doing nothing during the day, I decided I'll take the bus into Oslo next week. Look for some random jobs and hope for the best. Can't hurt, and I've never been to Oslo, so at least I'll visit a new city.

Bedtime it was....

California Waiting

It's friday, I'm done with all the work. So Now I'm just waiting for my dad to come home, and we're all going to Örebro, first shopping and then pick up Sabina at the train station.

Today I saw something dangerous (dangerous for my bank account). Some really cheap last-minute trips. Some to Gambia, Spain and then Fort Lauderdale, Florida! It'd be awesome just packing the suitcase, go to Arlanda and see where the plane takes you... A little too good, maybe.

Since I have nothing to do at the moment...(warning: boooooring)

What time did you wake up this morning ?
My dog woke me up at 6.40 am, but I went back to sleep and got up at 8.30 am.
Diamonds or Pearls?
It depends on what I'm wearing..
Last Movie you saw at the movie theater?
Favorite Tv-show?
Sex and the City, but I never watch tv now, sports when something interesting's on.
What did you have for breakfast?
Yougurt with sunflower seeds and müsli, toast and coffee.
 What is/are your second name/-s?
Ingrid, Isabell
Your favorite food?
Anything with potatoes! (like Håkan..)
What food do you dislike?
What's your favorite record at the moment?
Youth & Young Manhood, and Give Me Fire
What kind of car do you drive?
Renault Mégane Touring
What's your favorite sandwich?
Chiabata with lettuce,tomatoes,feta cheese & red onion.
What are your favorite type of clothes?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where wold you go?
Everywhere! Alaska, India, Iceland and Australia and USA is the top five!
Favorite brand of clothing?
Coudn't care less, as long as it looks nice.
Favorite time of the day?
Breakfast time!
Where are you born?
Karlskoga BB
What's your favorite sport to watch?
Coca cola or Pepsi?
Pepsi (it has to be pepsi max!)
Soccer or Hockey?
Hockey, most of the times.
Are you a morning bird or a night owl?
I'm born as a morning bird, just love to sleep alot at the moment^^
Pedicure or manicure?
Some exciting new you want to share?
Kings of Leon and MGMT are coming to Hultan, so are Klaxons and they're gonna camp right by us....><
As a child, what did you want to become when you grew uo?
I wanted to live in northern Sweden, near a lake, and have horses and cats...
Your best childhood memories?
When "Santa" wrote a letter and put in my stocking, I got a hamster
Have you been to Africa?
Have you ever been wrapped in toilet paper?
Actually not...
Have you been in a car accident?
Favorite day of the week?
Favorite flower?
Think all flowers are nice, and I don't know any names...
Favorite fast-food?
Indian food!
Do you own a bike?
From who did you recieve your last e-mail?
Favorite color?
Purple, black, grey and gren
How many tattoos?

Making momma so proud

Wohoo, almost friday. As if that makes a difference for me^^ Every day is like saturday when you don't work. Except for the fact that everybody else are working. Maked you feel kinda bad. So I decided to be a god daughter and clean the house. I can't wait for the snow to go away so I can start running. But cleaning is a good work-out, and the only work-out with immediate results, haha. Before that I made the best Indian stew, it was so good. Maybe I should open up a restaurant... Well, it wouldn't have the  longest menu, but that would save alot of time for people since they wouldn't have to think about what they wanted....

Yesterday, I met up Sofie and Josefine for coffee. It was a really great evening, and we were laughing so much that my stomach hurts today (well, almost...). Talking about the summer, and about past summers. I think this summer can be really good. And if I get a job within the nearest future, it'll be even better!

This weekend everybody's away. Sofie's going snowboarding (I'm soooo jealous! Hope you have a great time!!!) and everybody but except me and Kristin is smart enough to get out of. Well, I'm pretty sure we both would leave right this moment of someone gave us a ticket somewhere. The weather is really bad as well, everything is grey, and the snow is "half melted". Hopefully it'll get better by tomorrow.

Time for a few minutes on the treadmill and set up a new running list on my iPod. Anything to keep myself busy...


What Did I Do?

I just booked the whole summer. Three festivals, means three weeks of music, fun, friends and a great time. It also means three weeks in a tent, three weeks without sleep, three weeks of bad food, and three weeks of mud.
   It's gonna be lots of fun, of course. But now I realize I can't wait to get back to the states. Then again, like Josefine has said, when Kings Of Leon get booked to Hultfredsfestivalen, it's all going to be fine.

After talking to the Pelosis and Olga yesterday, and on top of it all seeing a clip from New York on the TV, I could've jumped on the first plane towards Newark. Today I've really missed my time in the US. Maybe because it's been snowing like crazy, and I'm tired of walking like an old lady because there's ice on the streets. Did it really snow 6-10 inches today, by the way?

Tomorrow, I decided I'm gonna wake up very early (everything is relative), get a lot of work done, and get a work out. Hopefully, that'll make up for the fact that I'm still in Karlskoga, and not in New York or in Scotch Plains. Or anywhere else but here:)

It's snowing here again. And this time, nobody's happy about it. Everybody have been complaining today, and it has made me sick of the snow too. Still, I can't help but thinking about how beautiful it is. I'll try to think about that tomorrow, as I'm walking my dogs, trying my best to stand on my feet and not slip on the eyes. Maybe I'll be better of taking ice skates in stead of shoes?

I haven't trown in a list in a looong time, and Jossan got me thinking of alot of olf party songs today, so here it is;
Kings of Leon-Knocked Up
Kings of Leon-California Waiting
Editors-Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors
Bravery-Honest Mistake
Kasabian-Shoot the Runner
Vive La Fête-Mon Dieu
Vive La Fête-Nuit Blanche
MGMT-Kids (with the new dance!)
Mando Diao-You Got Nothing On Me
Hermans Hermits-Dandy
The Smiths-Frankly Mr. Shankly
Daft Punk-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger(Alive)

Ellinor, I miss you alot! Hope you're having a great time under the Thailand sun!


People call us renegade, 'cause we like living crazy

Good Morning, people!  Believe it or not, I actually managed to wake up to see the start of Vasaloppet this morning. Of course, I went back to sleep after that. Woke up and watched the winner cross the finishing line, after over 4 hours...That's enough of Vasaloppet for me.

I got scared to death today when my mom told me that two young women died in a car accident on New Zeeland last night. I immediatley thought of Emelie and Nina, and tried to find Emelies latest blog entry or facebook update. Me and Josefine were so worried and tried everything to find out where they could be. Finally, we saw that the two girls (born in 1988...) from were from the Jönköping area (which is not that close to us). That meant it wasn't Emelie and Nina, and I was very veeery happy. Then, of course, sad over the fact that two young women who just wanted to live their lives, had to die. I really feel sorry for their families and friends!

The time's going a little too fast today, and I have a lot of less enjoyable things to do, like work and cleaning my room... But at least I didn't loose a friend or family member in a car accident tonight, so I guess I'm lucky after all. I'm gonna clean my room, change my sheets with a big smile on my face, listening to KoL (still hope they're coming to Hultsfredsfestivalen)<3