Half The World Away

Finally it's monday again!.... Well it was worth a try. It feels like it's thursday, my head feels like it weights 1234645758 kilos.
Anyway, just felt like I needed to get some complaining into it...it's been a good day over all. Maybe even a great day.

Went home over this past weekend to do Högskoleprovet. After doing it, I felt like the most stupid person on the planet, I really felt like it went like...not well at all. But when I saw the answers, and corrected my test as good as I could, it really didn't go all that bad. Maybe there's hope for me too?!
This weekend I'll be the loneliest person on earth. Both Anna and Ellinor are going home over the weekend. Everyone I know is going home. And I can't even buy myself candy. But I think I can make it through the weekend;) Especially since I'm going home thursday after this weekend.

Now onto something great, fantastic, awesome, and please mom, don't kill me if you read this. Me and my other two hard working roomies thought that we need to do something different. So we're gonna try to take the whole month of march and TRAVEEEL! We're thinking about three weeks in Thailand, and then I'll fly to NY and stay there for a week over easter. Oh my God, I really hope this turns out this way.

Maybe after that, I finally feel ready to go to school. Actually I feel pretty ready already.
Okay time to do the dishes, then me and Ellinor are going to watch another episode of One Tree Hill. What would I do without nerdy series like that?

I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself

Just decided to cancel the class at the gym today. You can't always be on top. My head is hurting, I've got a weird feeling in my heart, and I still have a cold. After a few though days of too much stress and too little sleep, I need to chill out a bit.

Most of all I'd like to go and buy a big bag of candy. That won't happen, though. Me and my roomies agreed on a shopping-free month! We saw it on the news, and decided to try it out. No make up, no clothes, no candy or other unnecessary foods. One month is not that much, but we'll try it now, then shop for christmas, and maybe take a longer break from greed and must-haves. Too bad you can't turn off you're cravings as well, that'd make everything ALOT easier. Give me strenght!

Still have one huge craving that won't get fed in a while; travelling! I want to do that trip through Canada and to Alaska, I want to go to Thailand and get the massage on the beach that Ellinor told me about, I wan't to get back to NY and the Pelosis, I want to take the train trough Europe, I wanna go skiing. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna. I guess I also want to be happy with the things I have, and make sure I go alot of places eventually. It's not too late until it's too late.

Something that has absolutely nothing to do with anyting above; just thought about how sentimental and bittersweet things get around fall. Listening to Broder Daniel, The Shins, The Magnetic Fiends, Snow Patrol and Elliott Smith creates the worst and best feeling at the same time. Only in the fall though. It has to be the weather.

Okay, too much writing and too little studying. Gotta change from jeans to sweatpants. Can't study in jeans, no way.

Hejdå/Bye/Hade/Ciao/Au Revior/Adios/Tschüss/don't know any more ways to say it

Do You Want To See The World?

I am soooo tired! I've been working dubble shifts (not as long as it sounds though, just one hour, but that's a long hour). Hopefully Elin is back tomorrow so I can be home before 5 pm!

Not much else is happening here. I've been studying for the test and going to the gym. Nothing new.

I have started to feel stuck here. Not stuck, but kind of stuck. I don't know. I do know I want to travel! Wanna see new things, meet new people. If I could find a million NOK tomorrow, I'd be on a plane the next second! I wanna see the world!

Here Comes The Sun, After All

Up before the sun (almost) today! We can skip the fact that it's almost November, and the sun doesn't show until 8.00 in the morning... At 8.30 I was up, believe it or not. (Let's also skip the fact that I was sleeping like a child before 11.30 yesterday night.)

Been having the best breakfast in a long time, as the sun rose over the apartments. When I woke up, I first thought it was going to be a grey day, but then I realized that it was just too early for the sun to shine here. A nice surprise!
Anna brought home the best coffee I've had in a long time! It almost made of for the lack of the weekend-french-vanilla-coffe I got spoiled with for a year. It's the little things that makes the day. If you can call coffee just a little thing. To me it's a pretty big deal, haha.

I've been looking up some tours for the summer this morning. One tour that I liked more than the others was an Alaska tour. It started in Seattle and then continued along the Canadian west coast and then to Alaska. Thought it sounded awesome! But I also miss New York and the Pelosis way too much, so I was thinking I might take a week off during easter... So many opportunities, so little time. It's either time or money... Unfortunately you need too much time to earn the money it takes to do that kind of travel.

In about 20 minutes I'm heading to the gym. Then I'm going to GRANIT, a store I love but had to travel 30 miles to get to before, now it's only a ten minute ride away:D After that, I guess I need to prepare myself mentally for IKEA. IKEA in Oslo, on a saturday afternoon.

I can't wait for november 5th! Took the friday off, just to get a whole day extra in Karlskoga. And also it's almost my birthday, my grandmother turnes 80, it's fathers day on that Sunday, it's hockey on the Friday, and I could scedule an appointment for a haircut. Who needs sleep when you've got caffeine?!

Got My Head Into The Iceage

It's a poooost! It's also monday evening, which means this will be a short post, because I'm ready to pass out any minute.

I've had a great, great weekend. After a long bus drive home from Oslo on friday, I got home. I've really started to appreciate just being home, the feeling of feeling like I'm really home. Anyway, I got a good night's sleep. Woke up waay to early, since I was going to Karlstad with Josefine. We met up with Ann and Jonathan. We did some shopping, saw Ann's cozy little apartment, bought candy and missed our bus home. So we took the train, and I can say this much; train beats any bus! The conductor is as good as always nice, the seats are comfier, you have more space, get to see the countryside, it's smoother, faster and cheaper! Okay, that was a lot of train talk...
Sunday was a grey day. I had a lovely breakfast, did food shopping, had lunch with mom and dad, then dessert! That doesn't exactly happen every day, so you have to appreciate it (read; eat) alot!

Another week of pooping, screaming and cute kids is here. I've prepared to kill my cold (my 23124645758th cold in the last 6 months) with alot of vitamines, ginger and fresh air. I'm out of pain killers so I have to take it the more primitive way. No side effects though:)

This weekend I'm not gonna get up at 7.30 in the morning. I have no bus to stress to. Me and my roomies might go ti IKEA some time during the week. It's funny how IKEA gets so much more exciting when you visit it outside Sweden, even if it's only in Norway. You walk through all the cheap stuf with Swedish names pointing at all the things you've already got in your home, stop and grab something (that hopefully tastes close to) Swedish to eat, then visit the food store at the end and feel some kind of pathetic pride... Lingonsylt, volvo, h&m, blondes, köttbullar, rabarberpaj, svenska jordgubbar, midsommar, and so on, and on and on. IKEA is genious!

By the way (the name of my post doesn't really have anything to do with anything if you were wondering)