Gluey Feathers On A Flume

Update number two for today, wohoo! I'm done with the gym and cleaning. Everything is now clean, except for me. I'm gross and hungry. And I just got a craving for chips. So I think I'm gonna jump in the shower as soon as I'm done with this text, then I need food, then some sugar and fat.

It's starting to get a little lonely here. I'm happy Anna ans Ellinor are both back tomorrow. Until then, I'm gonna try to relax and read a little bit. As you probably know by now, I'm not a big reader, at all. It seems to amaze everybody, apperently I look like someone who reads alot, but that's not the case... However, the biiiig test (högskoleprovet) is coming up in a few weeks and I need to get starting with reading english and swedish.

But now I'm going in the shower, then straight to the supermarket to buy something nice and unhealthy for the movienight with myself.

Okay, enough blogging for a Saturday;)

Living Is Easy With Eyes Closed

Wow, did it felt good to get some sleep! I reaaaaally needed that. My body and my brain was completely done for by eight o'clock yesterday evening.

I felt really rested when I woke up this morning. Looked out the window and it was pretty grey outside. Now it looks like it's clearing up a bit though.
This weekend I'm all by myself in the apartment, and in Oslo. After this extremely tough week I'm actually fine with that. I need some time to do almost nothing, and I do that best when I'm alone.

In about half an hour I'm going to the gym, then back to eat some lunch. I made a mess here in the apartment so after lunch, it's all gonna be cleaned! Am I starting to get too old for my age, or am I just loosing my mind, if I admit that I'm almost kind of looking forward to clean the place and make everything smell nice and clean (weird sentence...). Let's hope it's just a phase, haha.

Other than my little issue with cleaning and my tired body, nothing much is new. I'm still waiting for fall, with yellow leaves, crispy fresh air, scarves, hats and gloves. According to the forecast, I don't have to wait that long, THANK YOU! Next friday, Sofie and Kristin are finally coming here to visit! I'm gonna go downtown today to look up some things to do and see. I'm sooo excited! The weekend after that I'm going home to Karlskoga and Sweden. It feels really good to have some things too look forward to on the weekend, and then the gym and my lovely roomies on the weekdays. I've really learned to appreciate (might me misspelled, I'm too lazy to check, haha) the little things in my life, here. Like waking up early on weekends, seeing the view of the fjord from far away on my way to work, making it back home from work earlier than usual, making a great dinner, talking to my friends and family and so on....okay I'm getting a bit to deep and hippie-ish for myself now, better stop here!

And one time for all fall is a great season! Summer is coming back next year.

Tro & Tvivel

Hej hej hallå dagboken!
Not even 24 hours passed before I sat down to write here again. Trying to keep the post short, and I haven't really got anything to write anyway.

I'm close to a nervous breakdown at work... One of the kids (doesn't speak or understand swedish, norwegian or english...) is crying about 6 hours a day, and I do feel sorry for her, but I can't keep cool for much longer. Thank God I signed up at the gym, so I can get some of the frustration out in sweat.

Only two more days to go before it's time to get on the bus back to Sweden for the weekend! (I'm pretty sure I wrote that yesterday too, but I guess I'm excited..)

Have some laundry to do, then I'm gonna go to the gym to try afro dance for the first time! And that was that wednesday.

Life In Technicolor

Don't worry, I'm alive, even though my blog isn't at the moment. Here's a try to bring it back to life..

Life goes on pretty smoothly here in Oslo. I'm starting to see the less nice things about the job. But you can't always get what you want... Without getting too deep into the problem here on the blog, I've learned that you've gotta make sure people see the work you do, otherwise it's all just a waste. So that's what I'm trying to do, and of course enjoy the time here.

This weekend Ellinor's family was here (two brothers+ one girlfriend, mom, dad and sister+ boyfriend)! While they were doing sight-seeing, I took some time to just do nothing. Saturday night I joined them to a Thai Restuant in Majorstuen. We were all amazed and had a blast! It was so much fun. And it made me long even more after this weekend, when I'm coming home to my family. Sunday was a typical sunday, I went to the gym (NOT a typical sunday activity in my life for the past two years.. but it sure is something I'll turn into a habit again), then we all went to a pub/resturant/chill-place/whatever and played some board games. Pepole don't play enough boardgames together!

Yesterday I had to take a first aid class right after work.. So even though I was close to asleep after leaving the house at 6.30 in the morning, I had no choise. It was okay, and I feel more secure about first aid now, but do I need to tell you the only thing I had on my mind as I walked in the door at 10.30 that night?

I took another step towards studies today, as I booked Högskoleprovet (a test you take to support your grades and increase your chanses when you apply for schools in Sweden).. So now I better take up some math, and start reading book after book. Not the easiest thing for me.

Okay, it's getting hard to keep my eyes open now, so I guess I'll obey my body, and go to bed...And about the pictures, I just thought about it, and it might not be too clever to put up pictures of the kids, without asking the parents first.

So just to not break the promise completely... here's a picture of the test..ENJOY, haha.