
Whatta day! I'm sunburned, very sunburned. Malin wanted to go to the beach and since I live right by one, she came by and we went to the lake and then we went to buy ice cream. It was a beautiful summer day today, and I even fell a sleep for a while out in the sun. Completely confused when I woke up, ha ha.

Came home from a walk with Jossan a while ago, and now I'm getting real tired. Don't know how that's possible, but I guess it's the sun.

Tomorrow is supposed to be really sunny. I'm thinking about as Jossan, and go for a run in the morning. Then I can just be lazy until everyone comes. We're gonna barbeque (spelling?!) at my place, so I have to clean a bit and make a potato salad out of swedish fresh potatoes, mmmmm! If I had to survive on just one thing, it would be potatoes!

Okay, that was the update of today, I'm gonna go back watching Survivorman, and watching the crazy two guys eating snakes and weird plants...

Is there still magic in the midnight sun


It looks like it's gonna be a great ens of this week. Summer heat and sun all weekend. My parents are away for the weekend, fixing our summer house. And sunday is mother's day. I have 0 money, and the few Swedish krona that I had, I exchanged into Pounds.

I've noticed my posts are really long, and probably great if you have trouble sleeping. But since you might not want to fall asleep, I'll keep this one short by writing a list of what's good and not according to me (of course).

Good Stuff:

- Long days
. I've didn't realize how long the days really are before. It's litterary daylight from 4.00 am until 10.00 pm! The most northern parts have midnight sun now^^
- My mood. I'm extremely positive at the moment. Which is good, for everybody. It's fantastic looking on the bright side of live!
-The London trip next week. I'm dying to leave Karlskoga and Sweden for a few days. I just know it's gonna be a great trip, I feel it in my toes.
- Candy. I'm gonna eat so much candy on Saturday.
The Robinson/Survivor final on Saturday. Exciting, even though my favorite's out, I'm still looking forward to the last episode.
- My friends. Of course, but I don't say it, and really feel it enough, how great my friends are and how lucky I am to know them. And now they're all starting to return home for the summer. YEEEY!

Bad Stuff:

- Couchsurfer Chris.
Not reall Chris, but the fact that he's keeping us nervous by not answering my mail. We don't know where he lives, and that's bad since London is kind of big.
- Bitter People. We all have our ups and downs, good days and bad days. But I just can't be around bitter people, pelople that see the negative in EVERYTHING. What's the point?

Oh, and just one more thing, I promise! Discovery Channel was on and there was a commercial for one of their shows, I think it was something about sharks. When I was watching the commercial I saw one of the best sentences I've ever seen:

You have not lived, until you've found something worth dying for

So true when you think about it, right?

Plötsligt Händer Det!

Whoaa, I have to share this before I go to bed:
It's a Swedish TV-commecial (promise it's funny even though it's all in Swedish!) for a lottery called "Triss", their slogan is "Plötsligt Händer Det", which means "Suddenly It Happens".
The shy guy in the white short sleeve shirt says, very insecurely "your mom doesn't work here".
Then Ara Abrahamian knocks the guy in the suit down (Ara is a Swedish wrestler) and says "but maybe Ara does..."

It's a liiittle bit funny, right? :)

Kvällen Före Dagen Efter

Känner för att köra tvåspråkigt idag. Blev trött på att bara skriva engelska, och det är förmodligen skittråkigt att läsa för ni som inte är tyskar och amerikaner^^ Så här går vi (tänkte skriva det på engelska, men det vore ju höjden av ironi). Fick plötslitg ett jävligt festivalsug! Så nu har jag youtubat (får inte in spotify, min dator är ett skämt) och lyssnat på gammal festivalmusik och en massa annat. Har ingen aning om hur jag ska få bort det, förrutom att åka på festival förstås. Som grädde på moset halkade jag in på Sieastas hemsida, och allting nådde förhoppningsvis sin kulmen. Hoppas det för annars är risken stor att jag hoppar på cykeln imorgon för att ta med ner till Hässleholm. Nu har jag tryckt ett rör Pringles också, jävligt onödigt men mycket gott.
   Inte speciellt mycket har hänt idag. Jag har varit lite hurtig, gått i spöregn som blev till solsken och fikat med Kristin ungefär. Måste bara berätta om en sjukt rolig, eller kanske bara sjuk grej. Jag är ganska säker på att jag skrev i november om knäppa killen som sa att jag "såg ut exakt som Kurt Cobain, fast en tjej, som hans syster" som han sa. Tog ett sånt där fjantigt test på Facebook, om var i USA man skulle bo, och resultatet blev Seattle. Vi vet väl alla var Kurt Cobain bodde? Precis, Seattle... Idag gjorde jag ett test om vilket årtionde jag var. Av alla årtionden 1900-talet hade att bjuda på, blev jag förstås 90-talets grunge. Det här börjar seriöst bli läskigt. Hade jag blivit född 1994 hade jag varit helt övertygad om att jag var Kurt Cobains nya fysiska kropp! Kanske borde jag satsa på musiken istället för att bli miljöekonom?...

(The headline in English: The night before the day after)
Gotta throw in a short one on this Friday night. Felt like writing in deux languages (actually, now it's three, since I managed to squeeze in one of the few french words I know) today. Just got the worst festival abstinence (I hope I used the right word), and even worse, I don't know how to get rid of it! Can't see any other way out than summer, music, friends and happy people, summer and a tent!
The day hasn't been too interensting. I went for a work-out, then I took a walk to meet Kristin up for a coffee. Then the weirdest thing of the day, week, month, maybe the year, happened. I think we all know the story about the crazy guy who said I "looked just like Kurt Cobain...but like a girl, like his sister", right? Well, a few days ago I took oen of those stupid quizzes on Facebook. It was about what US city you were supposed to live in. Of all the cities, according to the quiz, I was ment to live in Seattle (where the grunge was born, and Kurt Cobain too). Thought it was a little bit funny until I took another quiz today. This time it was what decade I was. Of all the decades that 100 years have to offer, my result was 90's grunge. This is getting scary;) If I were born in 1994 in stead of 1988, I would've been sure I was Kurt Cobain's new body. Maybe I should put my focus on becoming a musician in stead of an economist?...

And last, but not least, the long time no seen playlist:
Phoenix- Consolation Prizes & 1901 (frenchmen singing with a little accent, how can you not like that?)
Ólafur Arnalds- 3055 and all the other songs with random numbers and Islandic in the titles-lovely music anyway
Timbuktu- Tack För Kaffet
Isolation Years- Open Those Eyes, Say Oh Say & (Michael) If You Cannot Row
Bruce Springsteen- Born To Run
I think we all know the truth, he doesn't sing about Jersey, no, he sings about KARLSKOGA
Oasis- Don't Look Back In Anger & Idler's Dream
Maskinen- Segertåget
The Strokes- Hawaii, The End Has No End & 12:51
King Of Leon- Knocked Up & California Waiting
Kristian Anttila- Smutser, Självmordsblond, Åtminstone Musik & Ingenting
M83- Kim And Jessie & We Own The Sky

Vive La Fête- Noir Desir,  & Maquilliage
Crystal Castles- Untrust Us, Reckless & Vanished

Alot of old summer songs that means alot and make me happy. "men du betyder ingenting, du betyder ingenting, ingenting,  jag menade ingenting, det betyder ingenting ingentiiiiiing" Oh, give me summer, please!

Sol I Sinne, Brun Inne

Wow, I think my body took vacation today. I've just woken up from a powernap, that turned into a 1,5 hour nap, and I can easily go back to sleep any second. As if that wasn't enough, my body's aching. So I'm deciding I'll stay lazy and just stay inside and watch old episodes of The Hills.

Me and mom went to Örebro today with Melvin who was gonna get castrated. And don't worry, he's a cat! We had a few hours to kill so we went to the galleria Marieberg. I've promised myself not to buy any clothes at all before the London trip, and I'm sticking to that. Giving up a bet is not my thing. I did buy the cutest little camping pillow thogh. It looks like a tiny sleeping bag untill you pull it out. And it's perfect for Hultsfredsfestivalen!

To give you a short update of the weekend, I've been B-O-R-E-D... No body is home, and Kristin's the only one who is even the least interested in getting together, that includes my parents and my pets. Nobody wanted to spend time with me (this is where the violin music comes in). Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But I miss my friends!

The only thing I did that is worth mentioning, was to bike to our cottage/summer house/whatever, spending some time there, then bike back. It's a beautiful road to bike, since it runs along a few lakes, and it's a good 40 miles (6 mil) all together. However, the way back is one small, but reaaally long upgrade. Kinda sucks all the energy you have left in your body right, but at least you get a good night's sleep...

Well it seems like I have to take a walk with my dogs now. I guess it couldn't hurt, it's a beautiful sunny day after all.

What's wrong with me?! I've been really positive lately, I even look forward to vote next week. I wonder if I should see a doctor or shrink or something?....;)

Lazing On A Sunny Afternoon

Stuffed! Can't move, which is bad, cause I'm restless and whould need a workout. BAD!
Think I must have banged my head on something, I have nothing negative to say. Wow, that almost deserves an; AMEN!

Okay, if I have to complain about something, it will be the flight to NY that I booked just a few days ago that costed me 6700 SEK, which I thought was cheap for July. Not it costs 4100 SEK... A pretty big diferrence if you have no money. But you canät always get what you want, I think a man with a big mouth (litterary) sang like 40 years ago. Wise-guy...

Went to get a haircut today, so now I feel like I have no hair left. Not that I had too much hair before that, but now I've got even less. Have to admit the hairdresser are a bit better, from my experience (which is close to none), in Sweden than in the US. It feels pretty good so far, and I'm happy I don't need to forget to tip anybody;)

Update: Worked-out now, and stuffed again. Life is good! Time to watch the news and feel up to date, and then Tonårsliv (I love TV on the internet, whoever came up with that idea must have had a crush on me and wanted to impress me^^) and then Sex & The City, if my eyes wants to stay open that long.


Something tells me I'm into something good

This is, and I'm serious it really is, gonna be a short post. It's way past bed time... Not really, but today it is because I got up at 4.30.
Another four hour bus ride to Oslo, and then four (felt more like ten) hours back. Today it was so fcking (excuse the french) worth it, I finally got a job! So from august 1, I'm living in Norway.
Something tells me I would need to start to get used to early mornings...or maybe I should enjoy getting up late as much as I can?

More good news is on its way, this will make up for my last post, our roomies for three nights finally answered, and yesterday Jossan and I booked a hostel two nights, 10 minutes from Camden. Life is good at the moment.

I was just about to start complaining about the government here. Don't think it comes as a shock that I don't believe in capitalism, and that I'll rather eat meat (a little bit, maybe a shrimp) than vote for Moderaterna, Kristdemokraterna or Folkpartiet. But I'll be a bitterfitta tomorrow. Today I'm happy happy happy, and if someone is slow here, HAPPY!

When I Was Young I thought I had My Own Key

Here we go again. I promised an update, and since the crowd (Kristin) is going crazy (asked if I was gonna update the blog soon) out there, here it is; the update.

For Valborg (Swedish holiday--->  ) Sofie, Kristin and Jossan came over and we grilled and ate, and talked, and ate, and ate, and talked. The weather has been perfect, and I think we're all a little bit happier, a little bit tanned and got some new freckles. Yesterday Jossan and Ellinor came by and we talked about all and nothing, as usual. It felt kind of like when we were in gymnasiet/ high school.

Ellinor and Jossan seems to have gone into some sort of 21-year crisis. I'm not there yet, but they really got me thinking. About how I want some things to be like then, when we were 17. When our days were filled with planning our weekends, dreaming about graduation, going (and sometimes not) to school, having and sharing our love issues, going to the gym and things like that. There was nothing like not being home for the weekend, or being too tired or having more important tings to do than to hang out.

Now things are so different. We're living in different cities, having different dreams and goals. It's a mission impossible to get everybody together at the same time. We need to think about money, or the struggle of how to keep them, and figuring out what we want to do "when we grow up".... We're growing apart, some of us, getting new lifes where other things matter, or doesn't. On the other hand, we're free and we're 20, or 21! We've already done things we'll never foreget, and we've got big plans^^
I'll stop before I don't know what I'm writing about anymore... Think it's too late though.

I read on the news today that it's not good to eat too much fruit, since it makes you fat! Oh, I'm so sick of it! Everything makes you fat, and everything gives you cancer, if you over-eat it, that's what I believe. My philosophy is that eating some fruit, some veggies, some good fats, and sometimes some junk, exercise and laugh alot should keep you healthy and happy. Don't think it's harder than that.

Wow, way too long post. I need some photos and a new lay-out, and less thoughts, haha.
