Give a Little Love

I'm such a bad blogger... Sorry about that!
Life goes on here in Oslo, and November is almost over. Hello?! When did it even become November? And when did I become 21?

The climate seems to think like me, because it feels more like September than almost December. What happened with cold and snow, and sun? 4 hours of sun so far in November, that's not okay. Give me snow and degrees far below zero, thank you...

It's been a very lazy thursday. No gym, no nothing but sitting/laying on the couch thinking about making dinner but being too lazy to really making it. Tomorrow is a "planning day" at the job, which means no kids to take care of, just coffe and chatting (well, I'm not sure about the last part, but I guess that's what you do?).

On saturday Jossan is coming here! And before that we're going to IKEA! Last time we went there, we went home pretty disappointed, which is not okay. You should never leave IKEA disappointed, and empty handed. So we're gonna run through the store, then go straight for the food store after the checkouts!
It's gonna be so much fun to have Jossan hear and to go out saturday night. And sunday we're finally going to see new moon!!! Nothing's gonna ruin this weekend, not even swine flu.

Okay now ny fingers got tired too...time to get even more lazy!